viewing "entire network"? Possible even?
Going from the way of browsing on WinXP to Win7 now.... I know I used to be able to view the entire windows network (other domains/workgroups...) on Windows XP. However on Win7 it looks like the option has been either removed entirely of hidden/moved to somewhere else?....Anyone have insight on this? I know I can easily connect to computers directly with the old \\ trick however I'd also like to be able to browse the entire net contents like things used to be setup as.
February 3rd, 2009 10:29am

A little confused with your problem.....Do you have problems seeing all your computers on your network map?If so.... For Windows 7.. Go to the Network and Sharing Center and near the top of the window you should see a link that says " see full map". Click on that link and Windows will show your network map (all the pc's in your network). If you have a XP system in your network it may show up at the bottom of the Network Map page. Miccosoft has a hotfix for this: LLTD Responder for XP. You can find it at the download page at Microsoft for XP. After you apply this hotfix your XP system will show up in your network map. Even if you dont apply this hotfix you can still access the XP computer. My home network consists of : 2 XP systems, 1 Vista (wireless), and 1 Windows 7(wireless). All show up in network map. Can access all the shares also. hope this helps..... if not please explain problem in more detail...
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February 3rd, 2009 11:41pm

See full map only shows my computer the gateway and then internet. Nothing else is shown.EDIT: After manually refreshing the page the rest of the networked computers do display at the very bottom, and the option is given to display all network devices. It would be apparent that this is slightly buggy at best (one would think once network discovery is complete windows would auto refresh the page?).
February 4th, 2009 12:49am

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